Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Part One


I'm Jennavieve, also known as Jenna, Jen, or Beeb.
It's a brand new year. Or at least four days into the new year...which is 2012. It started out pretty good. My parent's anniversary, and then....uh....ok...nothing else. Then there was a huge meteor shower which I tried my hardest to stay up for, but fell asleep. Great...  Then I pretty much broke my toe. Haha, how embarrassing..breaking a toe has got to be the stupidest thing ever. Why did I say pretty much? Oh, well that's because it feels terrible, its all red, and that's how it looked last time I broke it. More embarrassing...

(Hey guys, thanks for reading this blog and post and please leave positive comments! This blog is like a diary...sorta...maybe not. It's a bunch of stories of my life, but written like a book or story. And because of that it's probably the best to read it from the beginning. And not skip around it.)

1 comment:

  1. sorry to hear about your toe:'( I know how that must feel...
